Citroen GS - Manual de Taller - Workshop Manual
citro n GS
CITRO N GS - MANUAL DE TALLER - WORKSHOP MANUAL - Manual de Taller en espa ol, para el Citro n GS - English Workshop Manual, to Citro n GS INDICE VERSIONES - CITROEN GS - CITROEN GS-CLUB - CITROEN GS-PALAS - CITROEN GS-BREAK - CITROEN GS-X2 MANUAL DE REPARACIONES: CARACTER STICAS T CNICAS Motor Distribuci n Alimentaci n Lubricaci n Refrigeraci n Embrague Cambio de velocidades Diferencial Direcci n Sistema hidr ulico Suspensi n anterior Suspensi n posterior Frenos Dimensiones Llantas y neum ticos Abastecimientos y pesos Equipo el ctrico Dispositivo calefacci n adicional Esquema el ctrico calefacci n adicional Instalaci n el ctrica USO Y ENTRETENIMIENTO El rodaje Cuidados a la bater a Cuidados a la alimentaci n Atenciones al encendido Atenciones a la lubricaci n Atenciones a la distribuci n Atenciones a la transmisi n Atenciones a los frenos Atenciones a la direcci n y a las ruedas Atenciones a los faros Suspensi n hidroneum tica AVERIAS Y SOLUCIONES Utillaje El motor no arranca El motor se para Al motor le falta potencia El motor funciona irregularmente El motor falla a altas velocidades El motor falla al pasar de alta a baja El cig e al golpetea Rumorosidad de las bielas Rumorosidad de pistones y bulones Rumorosidad de v lvulas Vibraciones propias del conjunto motor Baja presi n de aceite en el motor Excesiva presi n de aceite en el motor Ruido al apretar el pedal del embrague El embrague patina Ruidos al soltar el pedal del embrague El embrague no desembraga Anormal desgaste de los forros del disco Ruido en el cambio Las velocidades entran con dificultad Las marchas se salen espont neamente P rdida de aceite en la caja de cambios Golpeteo en la direcci n La direcci n tira a un lado Acci n el stica del pedal del freno Carrera excesiva del pedal del freno Frenado desequilibrado La suspensi n est dura La suspensi n est suave Suspensi n inestable La suspensi n es ruidosa El indicador de carga se apaga a altas velocidades Indicador de carga no se apaga El motor de arranque no gira Aver as de los neum ticos TRUCAJE Consideraciones generales La relaci n de compresi n Aumento de cilindrada y relaci n de compresi n Preparaci n de la culata Preparaci n de v lvulas y sus asientos Trucaje de los pistones Trucaje del rbol de levas Mejoramiento de la carburaci n Aligerado de peso de piezas m viles y equilibrado Muelles de v lvulas Manual en espa ol de aprox. 120 p ginas con multitud de ilustraciones. INDEX REPAIR MANUAL (487 pages): CHARACTERISTICS ADJUSTEMENTS CHECKS CHARACTERISTICS General characteristics of the 1015 Saloon General characteristics of the 1220 Saloon General characteristics of the 1015 Estate General characteristics of the 1220 Estate Fitting a roof rack External and internal dimensions (Saloon) External and internal dimensions (Estate) External and internal dimensions (Service Van, Metal Sided) External and internal dimensions (Service Van, Glass Sided) Fitting the monograms Protection of the electrical units Precautions during the fitting of hydraulic components Recommended materials ENGINE - CARBURATION - IGNITION Technical data and special features of the engine Checking and setting the rockers Checking and adjusting the valve timing Characteristics and special features of the carburettors ( G. 10 engine 1015 ce) Characteristics and special features of the carburettor ( G. 103 engine - 1220 ce) Checking and setting the carburettor ( G. 10 engine - 1015 ce) Checking and setting the carburettor ( G, 10 engine - 1220 ce) Checking of the preheating of the air intake Checking of the thermostatic sensor Characteristics and checks of the fuel system (fuel pump and filter) Characteristics and special features of the ignition system ( G. 10 engine 1015 ce) Distributor, coil, sparking plugs, wiring Characteristics and special features of the ignition system ( G. 103 engine 1220 ce) Checking and adjusting the ignition Checking and adjusting the oil pressure CLUTCH Characteristics and special features of the clutch Checking and adjusting the clutch control Characteristics and special features of the torque converter Checking and adjusting the torque converter and its controls Checking and adjusting the control contacts of the declutching system Checking the pressure of the fluid circuit of the torque converter GEARBOX Characteristics and special features of the 4 speed gearbox Characteristics and special features of the 3 speed gearbox Oil draining and filling of the gearbox and converter DRIVE SHAFTS Characteristics and special features of the drive shafts HYDRAULIC SOURCE AND RESERVE OF PRESSURE Characteristics and special features of the source of pressure General hydraulic circuit Checking the hydraulic units on the car FRONT AXLE Characteristics and special features of the front axle Checking and adjusting the front axle REAR AXLE Characteristics and special features of the rear axle Checking and adjusting the rear axle SUSPENSION Characteristics and special features of the suspension Checking and adjusting the suspension and its controls Lubrication of the balls of the suspension push-rods Adjustment of the end-float of the anti-roll bar STEERING Characteristics and special features of the steering Checking and adjusting the steering Characteristics and special features of the braking system Checking the components of the braking system Checking and adjusting the control of the main braking system Bleeding the braking system Checking and adjusting the hand brake system ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Arrangement of the electrical installation ( French Market vehicles introduced until July 1973) Arrangement of the electrical installation ( French Market vehicles introduced since July 1973) Arrangement of the electrical installation ( Export vehicles - All countries) Arrangement of the electrical installation ( R.H.D. vehicles introduced since March 1971 ) Arrangement of the electrical installation ( Export vehicles with specifications for NORWAY) Arrangement of the electrical installation ( Export vehicles with specifications for GERMANY, BELGIUM, NETHERLANDS) Arrangement of the electrical installation ( Export vehicles with specifications for DENMARK) Characteristics and checking of the electrical equipment Checking and adjusting the headlamps Checking and adjusting the windscreen wipers Checking and repair of a rear window heater element BODY Fitting a roofrack External and internal dimensions (Saloon) External and internal dimensions (Estate) Adjustment of the components of the bodywork Adjustment of the front and rear side doors Adjustment of rear boot lid Adjustment of bonnet TOOLS List of tools mentioned in the volume Manufacturing drawings for tools not sold REMOVAL AND FITTING ENGINE - CARBURATION - IGNITION Removing and fitting an engine-gearbox assembly Removing and fitting an engine only Work on cylinder heads : - Removing and fitting a rocker shaft or a rocker arm ( on the vehicle ) Work on the timing : - Removing and fitting a driving belt, a tensioner or a timing gear - Removing and fitting a camshaft Work on the oil pump : - Removing and fitting a pump drive ( or seal ) or an oil pump ( on the vehicle ) GEARBOX Stripping down and assembling a four-speed gearbox Work on the gear change : - Removing and fitting the gear lever - Removing and fitting the linkages Work on gearbox drive outlet - Removing and fitting a differential shaft, a bearing or a seal HIGH PRESSURE PUMP AND RESERVOIR Removing and fitting a high pressure pump FRONT AXLE Work on the front suspension: - Removing and fitting an upper suspension arm - Removing and fitting a lower suspension arm Work on the swivel - Removing and fitting a complete swivel assembly or a ball joint - Removing and fitting the bearing, se is or hub Removing and fitting the front axle unit for exchange REAR AXLE Removing and fitting a rear suspension arm Work on the rear suspension arm - Removing and fitting bearings, a seal or a friction washer Work on the rear wheel hub: - Removing and fitting a brake disc, a hub or a bearing Replacing the rear axle unit Replacing a suspension arm support tube RECONDITIONING ENGINE Overhauling an engine Stripping down and assembling an engine Repair of a cylinder head GEARBOX Stripping down and assembling a gearbox (mechanical clutch) Repair of a four-speed gearbox Repair of a three-speed gearbox (torque converter) TOOLS List of special tools Manufacturing drawings for tools not sold ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Work on the alternator - PARIS-RHONE alternators - DUCELLIER alternators Work on a starter motor - DUCELLIER starter motor - PARIS-RHONE starter motor BODYWORK BODYWORK Body preparation - Sealing with' sealing compound - Soundproofing Checking the body BODY PANEL WORK Work on the side windows - Replacing a side window Work on the rear window - Replacement of the rear window Work on the rear tailgate - Replacement of a bonded tailgate window - Replacement of a set-in tailgate window
Citroen GS - Manual de Taller - Workshop Manual
inicio - index
coche - car
quad - buggy
cami n - truck