Honda CB600 "Hornet"
HONDA CB600 - SHOP MANUAL - MANUALE OFFICINA - MANUAL DE TALLER - English Workshop Manual, to vehicles Honda CB600. - Manuale di officina in italiano, ai veicoli Honda CB600. - Manual de reparación en español, para el Honda CB600. FILES INCLUDED: Honda CB600 - Parts Manual - Despiece - Fiches.pdf Honda CB600 - Wiring Diagrams - Schema Elettrico (English - Italiano).pdf Honda CB600F (1997) - Owners Manual (English).pdf Honda CB600F (2005) - Manuale de Officina (Italiano).pdf Honda CB600F (2005) - Uso e Manutenzione (Italiano).pdf Honda CB600F-FII (1999) - Owners Manual (English).pdf Honda CB600Fw (1998) - Manual de Taller (Espa¤ol).pdf Honda CB600Fw (1998) - Manuale de Officina (Italiano).pdf Honda CB600Fw (1998) - Shop Manual (English).pdf CONTENTS: Safety Contents Symbols 1: General Information - Service Rules - Model identification - Specification - Torque values - Tools - Lubrification & seal points - Cable & harness routing - Emission control system 2: Frame/Body panels/Exhaust system - Body panel locations - Service information - Troubleshooting - Seat - Side cover - Rear cowl - Fuel tank - Front fender - Rear fender - Muffler / exhaust pipe 3: Maintenance - Service information - Maintenance schedule - Fuel line - Throttle operation - Carburetor choke - Air cleaner - Spark plug - Valve clearence - Engine oil/oil filter - Carburetor syncronization - Engine idle speed - Radiator coolant - Cooling system - Secondary air supply system - Drive chain - Drive chain slider - Brake fluid - Brake pad wear - Brake system - Brake light switch - Headlight aim - Clutch system - Side stand - Suspension - Nuts, bolts, fasteners - Wheel/tires - Steering head bearings 4: Lubrification system - Lubrification sysetm diagram - Service information - Troubleshooting - Oil pressure inspection - Oil strainer/pressure relief valve - Oil pump - Oil cooler 5: Fuel system - Service information - Troubleshooting - Air cleaner housing - Carburetor removal - Carburetor separation - Carburetor disassembly - Carburetor assembly - Carburetor combination - Carburetor installation - Pilot screw adjustment - Fuel valve 6: Cooling system - System flow pattern - Service information - Troubleshooting - System testing - Coolant replacement - Thermostat - Radiator - Radiator reserve tank - Water pump 7: Engine removal/installation - Service information - Engine removal - Engine installation 8: Cylinder head/valves - Service information - Troubleshooting - Cylinder compression test - Cylinder head cover removal - Camshaft removal - Cylinder head removal - Cylinder head disassembly - Cylinder head inspection - Valve guide replacement - Valve seat inspection/refacing - Cylinder head assembly - Cylinder head installation - Camshaft installation - Cylinder head cover installation - Cam chain tensioner lifter 9: Clutch/gearshift linkage - Service information - Troubleshooting - Right cranckcase cover removal - Clutch - Gearshift linkage - Right cranckcase cover installation 10: Alternator/starter clutch - Service information - Troubleshooting - Alternator cover removal - Stator - Flywheel removal - Starter clutch - Flywheel installation - Alternator cover installation 11: Crankcase/piston/cylinder - Service information - Troubleshooting - Cranckcase separation - Piston/connecting rod - Cranckcase combination 12: Crankshaft/trasmission - Service information - Troubleshooting - Cranckshaft - Trasmission 13: Front wheel/suspension/steering - Service information - Troubleshooting - Handlebar - Front wheel - Fork - Steering stem 14: Rear wheel/suspension - Service information - Troubleshooting - Rear wheel - Shock absorber - Swingarm 15: Hydrulic brake - Service information - Troubleshooting - Brake fluid replacement/air bleeding - Brake pad/disc - Front master cylinder - Rear master cylinder - Front brake caliper - Rear break caliper - Brake pedal 16: Battery/charging system - System diagram - Service information - Troubleshooting - Battery - Chrging system inspection - Alternator inspection - Regulator/rectifier 17: Ignition system - System diagram - Service information - Troubleshooting - Ignition system inspection - Ignition coil - Ignition pulse generator rotor - Throttle sensor - Ignition control module - Ignition timing 18: Electric starter - System diagram - Service information - Troubleshooting - Starter motor - Starter relay switch - Diode 19: Light/meters/switches - System location - Service information - Headlight - Position light - Turn signal - Tail/brake light - Combination meter - Tachometer - Coolant temperature gauge/sensor - Coolant fan motor switch - Oil pressure switch - Ignition switch - Handlebar switches - Brake light switch - Clutch switch - Neutral switch - Side stand switch - Horn - Turn signal relay 20: Wiring diagrams - Diagram 1# : U type - Diagram 2# : Except U type 21: Troubleshooting - Engine does not start or is hard to start - Engine lacks power - Poor performance at low idle speed - Poor performance at high speed - Poor handling Index
Honda CB600 - Workshop Manual - Manuale Officina - Manual de Taller
inicio - index
coche - car
quad - buggy
camión - truck