Jeep Willys
JEEP WILLYS - WORKSHOP MANUAL - PARTS MANUAL - English & Portuguese Workshop Manual and Spare Parts Catalogue to Jeep Willys. CONTENTS: ENGLISH - JEEP WILLYS - DRIVERS MANUAL (AUSTRALIAN VERSION) - 1/4 Ton 4x4 Willys MB and Ford GPW Jeep - Parts List - Front Axle Assembly and Steering Linkage - Transfer Case Assembly - Sectional View - Differential Assembly - Sectional View - Front Axle Housing, Shaft and Related Parts - Front Axle Steering Knuckle, Universal Joint and Related Parts - Sectional View - Front Axle Steering Knuckle and Related Parts - Exploded View - Front Axle Universal Joint - Rear Axle Assembly - Exploded View - Pintle Hook - Front Compartment and Instrument Panel - Body Assembly - Brake Assembly - Exploded View - Hand Brakes ( External Contracting Type ) - Exploded View - Hand Brakes ( Internal Expanding Type ) - Brake Master Cylinder Assembly - Exploded View - Brake Wheel Cylinder Assembly - Exploded View - Clutch Pressure Plate and Disk - Clutch Linkage and Controls - Water Pump Assembly - Generator Assembly ( Bearing Type ) - Generator Assembly ( Bushing Type ) - Generator Regulator Assembly - Cranking Motor Assembly - Distributor Assembly - Open Type - Distributor Assembly - Dust-proof Type - Lighting Switch - Rotary Type - Headlight Assembly - Blackout Driving Light Assembly - Marker Light Assembly - Tail and Stop Light Assembly - Engine Assembly - Left Side View - Engine Assembly - Right Side View - Engine Assembly - Transverse, Section View - Timing Chain Cover, Cylinder Block and Flywheel Housing - Crankshaft and Bearings - Piston and Connecting Rod - Camshaft, Timing Chain and Valve Mechanism - Exploded View - Valve Cover and Ventilator Parts - Oil Pump Assembly - Manifold Assembly - Oil Filter Assembly - Exhaust System - Fuel Tank Assembly and Related Parts - Carburetor Assembly - Air Cleaner Assembly - Fuel Pump Assembly - Fuel Strainer Assembly - Propeller Shafts and Universal Joints - Rear Propeller Shafts and Universal Joints - Front Spring Assembly ( with Torque Reaction Spring ) - Steering Gear Assembly - Exploded View - Transfer Case Assembly - Exploded View - Transmission Assembly - Sectional View - Transmission Assembly - Exploded View ENGLISH - JEEP WILLYS - ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE (POWER TRAIN, BODY AND FRAME) -Introduction -Power train -Power train description -Transmission -Transfer case -Propeller (drive) shafts and universal -Joints -Front axle -Rear axle -Fits and tolerances -Body and frame -Springs and shock absorbers -Steering gear and drag link -Body -Frame -Fits and tolerances -Special tools ENGLISH - JEEP WILLYS - PARTS MANUAL - Introduction - Notes - Group 01 engine - Group 02 clutch - Group 03 fuel system - Group 04 exhaust system - Group 05 cooling system - Group 06 electrical system - Group 07 transmission - Group 08 transfer - Group 09 propeller shaft and universal joints - Group 10 front axle - Group 11 rear axle - Group 12 brakes - Group 13 wheels, hubs, and drums - Group 14 controls - Group 15 frame and brackets - Group 16 springs and shock absorbers - Group 17 fenders and hood - Group 18 body - Group 26 winch and power-take-off - Group 21 bumpers and guards - Group 22 miscellaneous - Accessories - Alphabetical index - Ordnance and manufacturer’s part number index - Ordnance stock number index - Federal stock number index ENGLISH - JEEP WILLYS - WORKSHOP MANUAL 1944 (ORIGINAL) Operating instructions - Introduction - Description & tabulated data - Driving controls & operation - Operation under unusual conditions - 1st echelon preventive maintenance - Lubrication - Tools and equipment stowage Vehicle maintenance instructions - 2nd echelon preventive maintenance - New vehicle run-in test - Organization tools & equipment - Trouble shooting - Engine - description, data, maintenance... - Engine - removal and installation - Ignition system - Fuel & air intake & exhaust systems - Cooling system - Starting system - Generating system - Battery and lighting system - Clutch - Transmission - Transfer case - Propeller shafts and universal joints - Front axle - Rear axle - Brakes - Springs and shock absorbers - Steering gear - Body and frame - Radio interference suppression system - Shipment and temporary storage ENGLISH - JEEP WILLYS - WORKSHOP MANUAL 1944 Operating instructions - Introduction - Description & tabulated data - Driving controls & operation - Operation under unusual conditions - 1st echelon preventive maintenance - Lubrication - Tools and equipment stowage Vehicle maintenance instructions - 2nd echelon preventive maintenance - New vehicle run-in test - Organization tools & equipment - Trouble shooting - Engine - description, data, maintenance... - Engine - removal and installation - Ignition system - Fuel & air intake & exhaust systems - Cooling system - Starting system - Generating system - Battery and lighting system - Clutch - Transmission - Transfer case - Propeller shafts and universal joints - Front axle - Rear axle - Brakes - Springs and shock absorbers - Steering gear - Body and frame - Radio interference suppression system - Shipment and temporary storage ENGLISH - JEEP WILLYS - WORKSHOP MANUAL 1956 Introduction - General - Description and data Operating Instructions - Service upon receipt of materiel - Controls and instruments - Operation under usual conditions - Operation of materiel used in conjunction wilt major item. - Operation under unusual conditions Organizational Maintenance Instructions - Parts, special tools, and equipment for operation and organizational maintenance. - Lubrication and painting - Preventive maintenance service - Troubleshooting - Engine description and maintenance ·in vehicle. - Engine removal and installation - Cooling system - Fuel and air intake B7Btem - Exhaust system - Ignition system - Starting system - Generating system - Batteries and lighting system - Winch - Instrument cluster - Radio interference suppression - Clutch - Transfer and power take off assemblies - Transmission assembly - Propeller shafts with universal joint assemblies - Rear axle - Front axle - Steering - Brake system· - Springs and shock absorbers - Wheels - Body and frame - Maintenance under unusual conditions Shipment Of Materiel And Destruction To Prevent Enemy Use - Shipment materiel - Destruction of materiel to prevent enemy use References PORTUGUESE - JEEP WILLYS - MANUAL DE INSTRUCOES (MILITAR) PORTUGUESE - JEEP WILLYS - MANUAL DE INSTRUCOES PORTUGUESE - JEEP WILLYS - MANUAL DE OPERACAO E MANUTENCAO - Capa - Índice - Características - Identificação - Instrumentos - Interruptores e controles - Manejo do Utilitário Jeep Militar - Manutenção - Reparos de emergência - Regulagem do motor - Sistema de arrefecimento - Sistema elétrico - Sistema de alimentação - Transmissão - Eixos - Direção - Rolamentos das rodas dianteiras - Rolamentos das rodas traseiras - Manutenção dos rolamentos das rodas - Pneus (faltante) - Freios (falta uma parte) - Suspensão - Ferramentas - Operação do guincho - Tabela folgas motor - Tabela apertos do motor - Tabela de lubrificação PORTUGUESE - JEEP WILLYS - MANUAL DO MECANICO - Capa - Manual do Mecânico - Índice Geral - Apresentação - Características Gerais - Motor BF-161 - Embreagem - Carburador - Sistema Elétrico - Diagrama Elétrico CJ-5 - Diagrama Elétrico Rural - Diagrama Elétrico Pick-up - Diagrama Elétrico AeroWillys - Diagrama Elétrico Itamaraty - Caixa de Mudanças - Caixa de Transferência - Eixo Traseiro - Eixo Dianteiro - Direção - Freios - Rodas, Cubos e Tambores - Suspensão - Carroçaria - Complemento AeroWillys - Motor BF dupla carburação! - Tabela Lubrificação CJ-5 - Tabela Lubrificação Rural - Tabela Lubrificação Pick-up - Tabela Lubrificação AeroWillys - Tabela Lubrificação Itamaraty PORTUGUESE - JEEP WILLYS - MANUAL DO PROPIETARIO - Dados Gerais - Identificação - Contrôles e instrumentos - ComandosInterruptores e luzes - Ventilação - Amaciamento - Manejo - Economia de combustível - Manutenção - Regulagem do motor - LubrificaçãoReparos de emergência - Sistema de arrefecimento - Sistema elétrico - Sistema de alimentação - TransmissãoEixos - Direção - Rolamentos das rodas - Freios - Pneus - Suspensão - Tabela de lubrificação PORTUGUESE - JEEP WILLYS - MANUAL LUBRIFICACAO 1954
Jeep Willys - Workshop Manual - Parts Catalogue
inicio - index
coche - car
quad - buggy
camión - truck