KTM 250 SX-F XC-F (2015)
KTM 250 SX-F XC-F (2015) - WORKSHOP, SERVICE, REPAIR MANUAL - English Workshop Manual and Wiring Diagram to motorcycles KTM 250 SX-F XC-F (2015). CONTENTS: SERVICE-INFORMATIONS GENERAL INFORMATION - Bleeding The Cooling System - Changing The Oil Filter - Oil Circuit - Bleeding Of The Hydraulic Clutch - Adjusting The Throttle Cables - Special Tools Engine REMOVING AND REFITTING ENGINE - Dismounting The Engine - Mounting The Engine DISASSEMBLING THE ENGINE - Preparatory Work - Moving The Engine Into The Tdc Position - Removing The Camshafts - Removing The Cylinder Head And Piston - Removing The Clutch Cover - Dismantling The Clutch - Removing The Chain Drive And Primary Gear - Dismantling The Shift Mechanism - Removing The Oil Pumps - Separating The Casing Halves, Removing The Crankshaft And Transmission Shafts SERVICING INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS - Left Casing Half - Right Casing Half - Bypass Valve - Clutch Cover - Crankshaft - Measuring The Outside Dimension Of The Crankshaft Webs - Crankshaft Bearings - Axial Clearance Of The Crankshaft - Cylinder - Measuring The Piston And Cylinder, Mounting Clearance - Piston - Piston Ring End Gap - Checking The Oil Pumps For Wear - Lubricating System - Camshaft Bearing - Camshafts - Automatic Decompression - Camshaft Bearing Bridges - Timing Chain Tensioner - Timing Train - Cylinder Head - Clutch - Kickstarter - Pre-Mounting The Kickstarter Shaft - Shift Mechanism - Pre-Mounting The Shift Shaft - General Information On Servicing The Transmission - Assembling The Main Shaft - Assembling The Countershaft ASSEMBLING THE ENGINE - Installing The Transmission Shafts And Crankshaft, Assembling The Casing Halves - Mounting The Oil Pumps - Mounting The Shift Mechanism - Mounting The Primary Pinion And The Chain Drive - Mounting The Clutch - Mounting The Clutch Cover - Mounting The Piston And Cylinder Head - Mounting The Camshafts - Mounting The Chain Tensioner - Checking The Valve Clearance - Assembling The Engine ELECTRICAL - Cdi Unit - Checking The Ignition Coil - Troubleshooting In The Ignition System - Ignition System - Checking The Stator And Pulse Generator - Replacing The Stator - Main Fuse - Checking The Starter - Checking The Start Relay - Dismounting And Mounting The Battery - Charging The Battery - Checking The Charging Voltage - Checking For Loss Of Current - Engine Characteristic - Measuring With The Peak Voltage Adapter - Static Ignition Values - Static Generator Values - Throttle Valve Sensor - Adjusting - Checking FUEL SYSTEM - Dismounting And Installing The Carburetor - Disassembling The Carburetor - Choke Knob And Hot Start Slide - Checking The Accelerator Pump - Checking The Jet Needle - Checking The Float Needle Valve - Checking The Throttle Valve - Assembling The Carburetor - Adjusting The Position Of The Throttle Valve Sensor - Checking The Throttle Valve Sensor - Dismounting And Installing The Throttle Valve Sensor - Carburetor Adjusting Idling - Checking/Adjusting The Float Height TROUBLE SHOOTING TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PERIODIC MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE WIRING DIAGRAMS
KTM 250 SX-F XC-F (2015) - Workshop Manual - Wiring Diagrams
inicio - index
coche - car
quad - buggy
camión - truck