Lancia Thema 8.32
LANCIA THEMA 8.32 - ENGINE WORKSHOP, SERVICE, REPAIR MANUAL - WIRING SCHEMATICS - English Engine Workshop Manual / Repair Manual and Wiring Schematics, to vehicles Lancia Thema 8.32. INDEX: INTRODUCTION AND TECHNICAL DATA Introduction - car exterior features - car interior features - identification data and location on vehic1e - weights - dimensions - perfonnance - fuel consumption - colours - optional equipment - capacities - characteristics of lubricants Technical data Engine - characteristics - power curves - cylinder blockjcrankcase, crankshaft and Associated components - cylinder head assembly and valve gear Components - lubrication - cooling system - fuel system Clutch Gearbox and differential Braking system Steering Wheels Front suspension Rear suspension Electrical equipment - starting - recharging - microplex electronic ignition ENGINE Removing-refitting power unit - diagrammatic view of engine, Parti al cross section Dismantling at the bench - order of operations Cylinder block/crankcase - Cylinder bores - cylinder block/crankcase - cylinder bores Crankshaft and associa ted Components - crankshaft 29 - crankshaft bearings 31 - checking crankshaft bearings pre-ioading 31 - measuring bearing clearance 33 - thrust washers 34 - crankshaft front cover incorporating oil pump 36 - crankshaft rear cover 41 - connecting rod-piston assembly 42 - gudgeon pin s 43 - piston rings 44 - connecting rods 46 - diagram showing connecting rod-piston assembly - big end bearings - measuring bearing clearance Cylinder heads - dismantling and checks - valves - valve guides - camshafts - measuring camshaft bearing clearance - tappets - cylinder head tightening Cooling system - Water pump (coolant) Fitiing various devices - flywheel . Lubrication - engine oil pressure relief valve Valve timing - timing - adjusting timing belt tension - adjusting tappet clearance Reassembl y at the bench - checking alignment between damper pulley And water pump control pulley 96 - diagram showing operation of engine lubrication System - diagram showing operation of cooling System Special tools ~tightening torques Fuel system - diagram showing air supply - universal fault diagnosis device "electronic analyzer model proi" - warnings . - bosch ke3-jetronic electronically controlled Mechanical injection system Components - diagram for checking air supply System for leaks - diagram showing main components to be checked - bosch ke3-jetronic injection system control Unit terminal connections Diagnostic diagrams - checking earth on connection 18 - checking earth on connection 15 - checking control unit supply for ke3 Jetronic injection system (and idle servoregulator) From protective relay and appropriate flise - checking engine speed impulses coming From microplex electronic control unit - checking continuity of pressure servoregulator Winding - checking idle servo-regujator winding Continuity and operation - checking engine coolant temperature Sensor resistance - checking switch on butterfly valve (idle Contact) - checking switch on butterfly valve (full Power) - checking cold start injector coil winding Continuity and dynamic operation - checking load engagement signale (from the air conditioning- relay contacts) - checking load engagement signal (from the air conditioning relay coi!) - checking potentiometer resistance continuity (pins l and 3) - checking potentiometer sliding contacts (pins l and 2) - summary of information and tests Ignition: diagnostic dia grams - microplex electronic ignition system wiring diagram - checking microplex electronic ignition Control unit earth - checking microplex electronic ignition Control unit supply - checking continuity of tdc sensor - checking continuity of engine rpm sensor - Checking tdc sensor gap and magnetic Efficiency - checking rpm sensor gap and magen tic Efficiency - checking power module on ignition coil (13 a) - checking power module on ignition coil (13 b) - checking continuity of circuit for advance Correction, with butterfly closed - wiring diagram key (for supply and ignition Diagnostic diagrams) - summary of information and tests Fuel system: checks - checking electric fuel pump and speedometer Relay '- Connecting remote control simulator to Vehicle electrical system - draining fuel system for possible service Operations - coid start injector fuel pressure seal - operation of cold start injector - electric fuel pump flow rate - checking fuel system pressure (ps) - checking fuel system pres sure (holding) - checks 00 fuel distribution-meteriog device Aod 00 air flow meter - checking sliding of metering device piston And air flow meter levers - checking movement of fuel metering device Piston vacuum levers - checking axial position of floating plate and Controllevers - checking contact position - checking radial centering of floating plate - checking injector opening pressure and jet Configuration. - checking injectors for fuelleaks - checking injector flow rates for comparison - cheekiog servo-regulator adjustmeot pressure And eurreot - checking rest current and relative adjustment Pressure (pr) - checking enrichment during starting, After starting and during engine Warming up stage - checking enrichment during acceleration - checking enrichment in full load conditions - checking maximum rpm restriction - checking fuel distribution-metering device - checking operation of idle servo-regulator - adjusting butterfly valves during idling - adjusting idle mixture metering device (co) during idling - fuel system fault diagnosis Fuel sytem: operation - bosch ke3-jetronic electronically controljed Mechanical injection system - fuel supply cireuit - electric fuel pump - pressure accumulator - fuel filter - fue! Pressure regulator - pressure servo-regu!ator (electro-magnetic) - fuel distribution-metering device - injectors - coid start injector - engine coolant temperature sensor - ke3-jetronic injection system control unit - air supply cireuit - air flow meter - butterfly casings - idle speed servo-regulator ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT
Lancia Thema 8.32 - Engine Workshop Manual - Wiring Schematics
inicio - index
coche - car
quad - buggy
cami?n - truck
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