vespa LX 150
VESPA LX150 - WORKSHOP, SERVICE, REPAIR MANUAL - PARTS - OWNERS - English Workshop Manual, Owners Manual and Spare Parts Catalogue to motorcycles Vespa LX150. CONTENTS: WORKSHOP MANUAL - Characteristics - Tooling - Maintenance - Troubleshooting - Electricasly stem - Engine from vehicle - Engine - Suspensions - Brakingsy stem - Chassis - Pre-delivery - Time PARTS MANUAL - Motore - moteur - engine - motor - motor - Carter-carter-crankase-kurbelgehause-carter - Albero motore -vilebrequin -crankshaft- kurbelwelle - ciguenal - Gruppo cilindro-pistone-spinoto - ensemble cylindre-piston-axe de piston - - Cylinder-piston-wrist pin, assy - gruppe zylinder-kolben- kolbenbolzen - grupo - Cilindro-piston-eje de piston - Gr testa-valvole - ensemble culasse-soupapes -cylinder head-valves - einheit - Kopf-ventil - culata-valvulas - Gruppo support0 bilancieri - ensemble support bilanciers - rocker levers - Support- elnhelt kippbehalter - soporte brazo oscilante - Coperchio testa- couvercle culasse - clllnder head cover - - Zylinderkopfabdeckung -tapaculata - Valvolasfiato ollo - soupape reniflard huile -oil drain valve - - Olentluftungsventil - valvula desfogue aceite - Tendicatena-valvolaby-pass- tendeur de cha~ne-soupapeb y-pass -chain - Tightener-by-pass valve - keten spanner-by-pass ventil -tensor de cadenavalvula - By-pass - Filtro ollo - filtre a huile - oil filter - olfilter - filtro deaceite - Puleggiacondota- poulie entrainee - driven pulley - getriebene riemenscheiben - polea conducida - Pompaolio-carter ollo - pompe d'huile-carter huile -oil pump-oil pan - olpumpekurbelgehause - Ol - bomba de aceite-colector de aceite - Asse ruota post -arbre rouear - rear wheel shaft- hinterradachse - eje - Rueda trasera - Puleggia motrice - poulie motrice - driving pulley -trelbende riemenscheiben - - Polea motriz - Motorino awiamento-levaawiamento - demarreur electrique-levier de - Demarrage - starting motor-starter lever -anlassermotor-kickstarter - - Motor dearranque-palanca dearranque - Raffreddamento carter - refroidissementcarter - crankcase cooling - kuhlung - Kurbelgehause - refrigeracion carter - Tub0 raffreddamento cinghia-tuyau de refroidissement courroie- belt cooling - Tube - kuhlleitung riemen - conduct0 refrigeracion correa - Volano magnete -volant magnetique - flywheel magneto - lichtmaschine - - Volante magnetic0 - Scatolaariasecondaria- boitiair secondaire - secondary air box - gehause - Nebenluft- cajaaire secundario - Leva freno - levier du frein - brake lever - bremshebel - palanca freno - Carburatore-carburateur-carburettor-vergaser-carburador - Carburatore-carburateur-carburettor-vergaser-carburador - Depuratore - filtreaair -air cleaner - luftfilter - filtro deaire - Marmitta- silencieux - silencer -auspuff - silenciador escape - Cavalleto-braccio oscillante - bequille-bras oscillant- centralstand-swinging - Arm - kippstander-schwingarm - caballete-brazo oscilante - Scocca- coque- bodywork- karosserie- carrocer~a - Pedana-tappetini - marchepied-tapis - foot board-rubber mats - furjrelt-furjmalte - estribo-alfombrillas - Bauletto anteriore - coffrea l'avant - front glove gepackfach - maleta - Delantera - Serbatoio carburante - reservoir - fueltank- kraftstofftank- deposit0 - Carburante - Canister - canister - canister - canister - canister - Portacasco - porte casque -case helmet - schutzhelmtrager - portacasco - Sella- selle -saddle - sattel - sillin - Parafangoant e post - garde boueav etar - frontand rear mudguard - Vorderkotflugel-hinterkotflugel - guardabarros del y tras - Sterzo-frenoadisco -tube de direction-frein a disque -steering column-disc - Brake - steuerrohr-scheibenbremse -tub0 de direccion-freno de disco - Pinzafrenoadisco - etrier freinadisque - disc brake caliper - bremszange - - Plnza freno de disco - Coperturaammortizzatoreanteriore - couvertureamortisseurav - front - Damper cover -abdeckung vorderer storjdampfer - cubiertaamortiguador - Delantero - Ammortizzatore posteriore -amortisseurar -rear damper - hinterer - Storjdampfer- amortiguador traser - Contachilometri-coperchi manubrio - compteur kilometrique-couvercles du - Guidon -speedometer kms-handlebar covers -tachometer-lenkerdeckel - - Cuentakm-tapas manillar - Component1 del manubrio - pieces composant le guidon -handlebars component - Parts - lenker bauteile - piezas que componen el manillar - Component1 del manubrio - pieces composant le guidon -handlebars component - Parts - lenker bauteile - piezas que componen el manillar - Trasmissioni-tubazione freno - transmissions-tuyau freln -transmissions-brake - Piping - bowdenzuge-bremsschlauch -transmisiones -tub0 freno - Fanaleriaanteriore - feuxavant- front lights -vorderbeleuchtung -faros - Delanteros - Protezione posteriore - protectionarriere - rear guard - hintereabdeckung - - Proteccion traseros - Fanalino posteriore - feuar - reartail lamp - hinterrad schlubleuchte - pilot0 - Dlsposltlvl eleltrici - dlsposltlfs electriques - electrical device - elektrische - Ausrustung - dlsposltlvos electricos - Dlsposltlvl eleltrici - dlsposltlfs electriques - electrical device - elektrische - Ausrustung - dlsposltlvos electricos - Ruotaanteriore - roueav - front wheel -vorderrad - ruedadelantera - Ruota posteriore - rouear - rear wheel- hinterrad - ruedatrasera - Targhette - monogramme - name plate - plakette - letrero OWNERS MANUAL - Vehicle 7 - Dashboard 8 - Clock 9 - Key switch 10 - Locking the steering wheel 10 - Releasing the steering wheel 10 - Switch direction indicators 11 - Horn button 11 - Light switch 12 - Start-up button 12 - The immobilizer system 12 - Keys 12 - Immobilizerdevice enabled indicator led 13 - Operation 13 - Programming the immobilizer system 14 - Opening the saddle 15 - Identification 16 - Rear top box opening 16 - Bag clip 17 - Use 19 - Checks 20 - Refuelling 20 - Tyre pressure 21 - Shock absorbers adjustment 22 - Running in 23 - Starting up the engine 23 - Precautions 24 - Difficult start up 25 - Stopping the engine 26 - Automatic transmission 26 - Safe driving 27 - Maintenance 29 - Engine oil level 30 - Engine oil level check 30 - Engine oil top-up 31 - Warning light (insufficient oil pressure) 31 - Engine oil change 31 - Hub oil level 32 - Tyres 34 - Spark plug dismantlement 35 - Removing the air filter 36 - Secondary air system 37 - Checking the brake oil level 38 - Battery 39 - Checking the electrolyte level 40 - Long periods of inactivity 40 - Fuses 41 - Front light group 44 - Headlight adjustment 44 - Front direction indicators 45 - Rear optical unit 45 - Rear turn indicators 46 - Number plate light 46 - Rear-view mirrors 47 - Idle adjustment 47 - Front disc brake 48 - Rear drum brake 49 - Puncture 49 - Periods of inactivity 50 - Cleaning the vehicle 50 - Technical data 55 - Kit equipment 60 - Spare parts and accessories 61 - Warnings 62 - Programmed maintenance 63 - Scheduled maintenance table 64
Vespa LX150 - Workshop Manual - Owners Manual - Parts Catalogue
inicio - index
coche - car
quad - buggy
cami?n - truck