Yanmar 3TNV82A Engine
YANMAR 3TNV82A ENGINE - WORKSHOP, SERVICE, REPAIR MANUAL - English Workshop Manual / Repair Manual, for Yanmar 3TNV82A Engine. CONTENTS: GENERAL - Engine Nomenclature - Specifications - Fuel Oil, Lubricating Oil and Cooling Water - Fuel oil - Lubricating oil - Cooling water - Engine External Views - Structural Description - Exhaust gas emission regulation - The Emission Standard in USA - Engine identification - Guarantee Conditions for the EPA Emission Standard INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT - Periodic Maintenance Schedule - Periodic Inspection and Maintenance Procedure - Check before Daily Operation - Adjusting the no-load maximum or minimum speed - Sensor Inspection - Oil pressure switch - Thermo switch - Water leak check in cooling water system - Radiator cap inspection - Thermostat Inspection - Adjusting Operation - Long storage TROUBLESHOOTING - Preparation before troubleshooting - Quick Reference Table for Troubleshooting - Troubleshooting by measuring Compression Pressure DISASSEMBLY, INSPECTION AND REASSEMBLY OF ENGINES - Complete disassembly and reassembly - Introduction - Special service tools - Complete disassembly - Precautions before and during reassembly - Adjusting operation - Cylinder Head Disassembly, Inspection and Reassembly - Components (-valve cylinder head) - Disassembly procedure - Reassembly procedure - Servicing points - Parts Inspection and measurement - Valve seat correction - Valve guide replacement - Valve stem seal replacement - Gear Train and Camshaft - Components - Disassembly procedure - Reassembly procedure - Servicing points - Parts inspection and measurement - Oil seal replacement (Gear case side) - Camshaft bushing replacement - Cylinder Block - Components - Disassembly procedure - Reassembly procedure - Servicing points - Parts inspection and measurement - Cylinder bore correction - Piston pin bushing replacement - Oil seal replacement (Flywheel housing side) LUBRICATION SYSTEM - Lubrication System Diagram - Trochoid Pump Components - Disassembly( Reverse the procedure below for assembly) - Servicing Points - Parts Inspection and Measurement - Trochoid pump inspection and measurement - COOLING SYSTEM - Cooling Water System - Cooling Water Pump Components - Disassembly (Reverse the procedure below for assembly) - Servicing Points FUEL INJECTION PUMP/GOVERNOR - Introduction - Fuel Injection Pump - Fuel system diagram - External view and components - Disassembly procedure - Assembly procedure - Servicing points TURBOCHAGER - Disassembly, inspection and reassembly - Structure and Functions - Main specifications - Construction - Structural and functional outline - Components - Service Standards and Tightening Torque - Service standards - Tightening torque - Periodic Inspection Procedure - Periodic inspection intervals - Inspection procedure - Waste gate valve adjustment procedure - Disassembly Procedure - Preparation for disassembly - Inspection before disassembly - Disassembly - Washing and Inspection procedure - Washing - inspection procedure - Reassembly Procedure - Preparation for reassembly - Reassembly - Handling after Disassembly and Reassembly - Instructions for turbocharger installation - Troubleshooting - Excessively exhaust smoke - White smoke generation - Sudden oil decrease - Decrease in output - Poor (slow) response (starting) of turbocharger - Abnormal sound or vibration STARTING MOTOR - ForTNVU - Specifications - Components - Troubleshooting - Names of parts and disassembly procedure - Inspection and Maintenance - Service standards - Assembly - Characteristic test - For TNV(T) - Specifications - Congiguration drawing - Troubleshooting - Component names and disassembly procedure - Disassembly procedure - Inspection and maintenance - Assembly - Adjustment - Service standards ALTERNATOR - The A Alternator for TNV and other models - Components - Specifications - Wiring diagram - Standard output characteristics - Inspection - Troubleshooting ELECTRIC WIRING - Electric Wiring Diagram PRECAUTION ON ELECTRIC WIRING - Alternator - Starter - Current limiter - Section area and resistance of electric wire SERVICE STANDARDS - Engine Tuning - Engine Body - Cylifder head - Gear train and camshaft - Cylinder block - Lubricating Oil System (Trochoid Pump) - Outside clearance of outer rotor - Side clearance of outer rotor - Inside clearance of inner rotor - Rotor shaft clearance - TIGHTENING TORQUE FOR BOLTS AND NUTS - Tightening Torques for Main Bolts and Nuts - Tightening Torques for Standard Bolts and Nuts
Yanmar 3TNV82A Engine - Repair, Service and Maintenance Manual
inicio - index
coche - car
quad - buggy
camión - truck